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Team #567 Dik Lasnier and Dee Oh Gee

Team #567: Dik Lasnier and Dee Oh Gee
From: Ravenel, South Carolina
Ages: 77 & 24
Combined Age: 101
Test: Introductory Level Test A
Date: June 11, 2022

I was 48 years old when I started riding horses. We were living in Connecticut and my wife, Carol, bought me a gift certificate from a local trainer named Amy Sauyet for a riding lesson. I became hooked. I was the only male rider in our barn and the young ladies offered me tidbits on how to improve my riding.

It wasn’t too long before we purchased an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse cross named Dakota Gold for my wife and me to ride. We rode this amazing horse for many years. After retirement, we moved to South Carolina. Unfortunately, we could not take him with us due to the extreme temperature change.

I felt that my equestrian days were over, and I would no longer have the good times I had with Dakota. But as fate would have it, while I was watching my wife’s dressage lesson with her trainer, Sarah Sharpe, Sarah mentioned a horse that might rekindle my desire to ride again. Shortly after this conversation, I met a horse named Dee Oh Gee and his owner Katrina Dempsey. Within two weeks I was taking my first dressage lesson with Lauren Palmer and loving every minute of it.

Dee Oh Gee is a Percheron/Quarter Horse cross. For several years he was an awesome whip horse on fox hunts. He is a gentle giant who takes care of his rider whether doing dressage, going over jumps, or just out for a trail ride. Dee Oh Gee has the reputation of being loved by all who have ridden him and is well known in the Charleston area.

I learned about the Century Club through my wife Carol. Becoming a member of the Century Club was an honor for both Dee Oh Gee and me.