By donating the cost of just one latte (or two!) each month, you'll become part of something big.

From beginners to Olympic hopefuls to the senior riders of our sport, your donations will fuel the dreams of dressage riders across the country.

As a special thank you, we’ll send you a gift that shows that you love dressage “a latte!”

Why Give Monthly?

It's easy and affordable.
You invest an amount that makes sense for you and then set and forget it. You will make an incredible impact through your partnership.

It's a community.
TDF donors are a dedicated group of dressage enthusiasts who help make dressage dreams come true. 

It's sustained support.
TDF is able to expand our programs and reach because of your ongoing support. The more you give, the more we give! 

Questions? Contact us at (402) 434-8585 or